Marie Curie (Série Femmage)


Members: 850€ or 10M + 395€
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  • Digital Print
  • LS White Velvet 270gr Fine Art Paper
  • Image Size: 55x40 cm
  • Total Size: 70x50 cm
  • Date: 2024
  • 25 units
  • Ref.: ED36893

The work was part of the exhibition ‘JE T'AUTORISE A ÊTRE MOI, JE M'AUTORISE A ÊTRE TOI’ by ORLAN, presented from 18 May to 10 June 2024.


Marie Curie (1867-1934) was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and the only woman to receive two of these distinctions: one for Physics and the other for Chemistry. World famous for her research into radioactivity, she was at the origin of one of the greatest scientific advances of the 20th century.

In this work, ORLAN's face merges into the scientist's body, manipulating flasks and test tubes. The table with the different glass objects refers to the performance “Tangible striptease in nanosequences” where ORLAN cultivated its oral, vaginal and intestinal flora. In turn, the backdrop resumes the “Harlequin Coat” installation of the in vitro culture of its cells, in the SymbioticA laboratory at the University of Western Australia and exhibited by Jens Hauser, BioArt theorist in Perth, Liverpool and Luxembourg.


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