Annette Kellerman (Série Femmage)


Members: 850€ or 10M + 395€
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  • Digital Print
  • LS White Velvet 270gr Fine Art Paper
  • Image Size: 55x40 cm
  • Total Size: 70x50 cm
  • Date: 2024
  • 25 units
  • Ref.: ED36890

The work was part of the exhibition ‘JE T'AUTORISE A ÊTRE MOI, JE M'AUTORISE A ÊTRE TOI’ by ORLAN, presented from 18 May to 10 June 2024.


Annette Kellermann (1886-1975) was born in Australia. She was an actress and a pioneer in the practice of synchronized swimming. A feminist, she encouraged women to take control of and control their own bodies, particularly through physical exercise. She was an advocate of health, sport and natural beauty throughout her life.


ORLAN hybridizes with Annette Kellermann with a two-tone swimming cap, referencing her iconic hair dye. She wears a trompe l'oeil swimsuit in reference to the photographic canvas dress, representing the naked body used in the performance “Dressing in Your Own Nudity”, in 1976. Annette Kellermann stands next to ORLAN's work “Selling herself in the markets in small pieces" (1976) where the artist sold representations of fragments of bodies in the form of black and white photos glued to wood and cut out, with a sign that read: “My body really belongs to me”. One of these performances was held in Portugal, in the Caldas da Rainha market, in 1976.


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