Je t’autorise a être moi, je m’autorise a être toi

May 18, 2024 - June 10, 2024

One of the most prominent internationally renowned French artists, ORLAN, is is about to present his most recent exhibition at the CPS Gallery at Centro Cultural de Belém, entitled “Je t’autorise a être moi, je m’autorise a être toi” .

The inauguration will take place on May 18th, at 4pm, with the presence of the artist. The exhibition will be open. patent until June 2, 2024.


In this unmissable exhibition, ORLAN presents for the first time in Portugal, a set of works included in the FEMMAGE series, where the artist creates “self-hybridizations” as a tribute to women in history who she admires for having defended the causes she supports in her life and work.

These pioneering women paved the way for other women, taking risks that put their own lives at risk, like Rosa Parks or Marie Curie. This gesture of hybridity allows you, in all sorority, to create a meeting between women that transcends the barriers of time, space, arts and genders.

The Portuguese public and, in particular, art collectors, will have access to an exclusive series of limited editions with the CPS seal, numbered and signed, which include inspired works on historical figures such as Empress Eugénie, Simone Veil, Ada Lovelace, Tina Modotti, and other notable personalities selected by ORLAN.



About the current series and exhibition at CPS:

The series “Je t’autorise a être moi, je m’autorise a être toi” presents a new approach to ORLAN, which explores the hybridization of her own image with that of historical female figures she admires.

ORLAN expresses: “I allow myself to resemble her, I allow her to resemble me. We meet despite the mists of time that separate us. A mark of me in the memory of others.”

With this exhibition, the CPS presents a big name in contemporary art, including in its editions an artist recognized for her notoriety in photography, performance and body art. em>

The exhibition promises to be a unique and impactful experience, inviting the public to reflect on issues of identity, feminism and history through the challenging and innovative lens of ORLAN.



About the artist:

ORLAN is She is recognized for her provocative and bold approach, challenging social and political determinism, male supremacy and conventional aesthetic standards. Her work, begun in 1964, reflects the cultural, political and social conditions in which the female body operates. inserted, removing it from the private space and exposing it in the public sphere.

Standing out as a precursor of Body Art and Carnal Art, ORLAN uses the body itself as raw material and visual support, using various means to express your innovative ideas and subversive positions, from sculpture, photography and performance, to video, videogames, artificial intelligence and robotics, to technology. surgery and biogenetics.

Throughout her career, ORLAN has received numerous awards, standing out as one of the most influential artists of her generation. Always in intense activity, his work inspires and provokes reflections on fundamental questions of identity and representation. 

Some of the latest recognitions:
2020 - Invited to be president of Hundred Heroines, Museum of Photography in London;
2019 - Received the special award “Woman of the Year”, by the Pr&iacute Prince of Monaco
2017 - International Award for Female Excellence, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Genoa.





“Je t’autorise a être moi, je m’autorise a être toi” 

CPS Gallery at CCB - Centro Cultural de Belém
Praça do Império, Lisbon
Every day from 10am to 7pm
Open until 7pm. June 2nd. Free entry.