Simone Veil (Série Femmage)


Members: 850€ or 10M + 395€
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  • Digital Print
  • LS White Velvet 270gr Fine Art Paper
  • Image Size: 55x40 cm
  • Total Size: 70x50 cm
  • Date: 2024
  • 25 units
  • Ref.: ED36896

The work was part of the exhibition ‘JE T'AUTORISE A ÊTRE MOI, JE M'AUTORISE A ÊTRE TOI’ by ORLAN, presented from 18 May to 10 June 2024.


Simone Veil (1927-2017), academic, magistrate, French statesman, emblematic figure in the fight for women's rights.
In 1975, she was at the origin of the legalization of abortion, which she obtained with great difficulty. Simone Veil was also the first president of the European Parliament, in 1979.


ORLAN hybridizes with Simone Veil while adopting her two-tone hair. She is sitting creating a poster for her demonstrations against clandestine abortion, featuring the famous “Vulva Mask” created by ORLAN for the first time in “Mise en scène pour un Grand Fiat” in 1984. In the background, an image where the artist hybridizes with Picasso's portrait of Dora Maar, where she cries. Through this gesture, ORLAN addresses today's women, encouraging them to emancipate themselves.


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