25 de Abril hoje


Members: 220€ or 4M
- +
  • Screen print
  • Fabriano Tiepolo 290gr Paper
  • Image Size: 41x62 cm
  • Total Size: 50x70 cm
  • Date: 2024
  • 50 units
  • Ref.: S36921

Special Edition 50 years April 25th


“The edition of this silkscreen print takes place within the scope of an exhibition, "50 Years of Humors", which coincides with the 50th anniversary of April 25th. This screen printing and this irregular red/green alternation has to do with the tension in Portuguese society itself. On the one hand, the left, represented here with street demonstrations, and the right, at the time, by military power. This tense configuration of an April 25th that is It is also a tense date, of dispute, despite being a date that says a lot to everyone. Antonio


António (b. 1953), renowned cartoonist, author of comics, with a vast collaboration in the written press, began as a caricaturist in 1974 in Jornal República, but it was in Expresso that he saw his notoriety and experience grow as a critical spectator of our society that for he is constant source of humor and satire that are revealed in Kafarnaum, the comic strip that is created there. created. With a vast list of exhibitions in Portugal and abroad and with a career celebrated for numerous distinctions on an international level, it is now associated with this edition, with the colors of the Portuguese flag in the background, the celebrations of April 25th. Vision of a kaleidoscopic reality marked by the incessant game of farce and drama, characteristics of our society.


Maria João Fernandes

AICA - International Association of Art Critics

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