Francisco Alexandre Abreu Pessegueiro de Miranda was born in Porto in 1949, the son of the recognized painter Helena Abreu. He studied painting and graduated from architecture in Escola Superior de Belas Artes in Porto.
Besides being a painter, Abreu Pessegueiro is also an architect and professor. Since 1967 he has participated in many individual exhibitions in Portugal and abroad, adding to the more than 200 collective exhibitions. He is represented in various national, international, public and private collections.
Since 1994 Abreu Pessegueiro has participated in various public art projects including the ceramic panels in the tunnel of the "Via Rápida", the mural in engraved marble in Universidade Portucalense (2000), and the intervention in Urbanização da Ponte de Pedra in collaboration with the painter Alfredo Barros (2003).
He is the author of an extensive collection of graphic works (silk prints and lithography) and of texts of art theory and critic, being at some point the correspondent for the Institut Supérieur pour l’Etude du Langage Plastique, Brussels, for “Arte Pública” in Portugal.
He is the president of the Direcção da Associação de Professores de Desenho e Geometria Descritiva – APROGED. He has been awarded the “Grande Prémio de Arte Filatélica em Portugal/93” and the bronze medal of “Salon 94” - Societé des Artistes Français.
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