Cosmic objects

Maria Pia Oliveira

Members: 277€ or 6M
- +
  • Hand-finished intaglio, Etching
  • Fabriano 5 GF 300gr Paper
  • Image Size: 39,5 x 35 cm
  • Total Size: 62 x 50 cm
  • Date: 2017
  • 50 units
  • Ref.: G35287

All copies of the edition were painted by the artist.



Maria Pia Oliveira was born in 1964 in Lisbon, where she lives and works, completed her training in New York and has exhibited regularly since the mid-90s. Since 2006, she has been a member of the Laborat&oacute group river and organizes its exhibitions. In the sober language of black and white, his engravings develop a true filigree of visual motifs with shapes originating from the plant world, creating labyrinthine effects of great suggestive and poetic effect. The concentration, intimacy and dispersion of forms and their evolution, both systematic and random in space, seem to come together to give us back the founding energies of life.

Maria João Fernandes

AICA – International Association of Art Critics


Maria Pia Oliveira was born in 1964 in Lisbon where she lives and works and completed her training in New York and has exhibited regularly since the mid-90s. Since 2006, he has been a member of the Laboratário group and organizes its exhibitions. In the sober language of black and white, his engravings develop a true filigree of visual motifs with shapes originating from the plant world, creating labyrinthine effects of great suggestive and poetic effect. The concentration, intimacy and dispersion of forms and their evolution, both systematic and random in space, seem to come together to give us back the founding energies of life.
Maria João Fernandes
AICA – International Association of Art Critics

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