Flávio Rossi

Flávio Rossi

Brazilian artist born in 1979. He soon started drawing at the encouragement of his father, a designer.

He studied Fine Arts at PUC-Campinas University. He worked as an illustrator in the main magazines in Brazil, including: Superinteressante, Exame, Você S/A, Veja, Playboy, Scoreboard, VIP, Dear Friends, Health, Info Corporate, Mundo Estranho, Terra. He also worked for the newspapers Correio Popular (Campinas), Diário do Povo (Campinas), Agora São Paulo and Folha de São Paulo and O Pasquim21 (Rio de Janeiro).

É considered a revelation in the world of plastic arts, which is attributed to his its versatility, innovation and creativity. It uses mixed techniques, such as spray and acrylic paint on wood, canvas and glass, and recycles waste materials. He uses intense, vibrant colors and his images are full of powerful humor.