Born in Lisbon in 1936. Lives and works in Paris since 1961.
Attends the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, in the Courses D 'Art Appliquée Aux Métiersby Jean Prouvé. From 1976 onwards he dedicated himself exclusively to drawing, painting, &agrav; lithography and the teaching of this printing technique. In 1981 he obtained a scholarship from the then Portuguese Ministry of Culture and Scientific Coordination, for one year ofMaster Printertraining , in Paris.
In 1986, he founded, with a group of engravers, the studio Point & Marge, in Créteil, France, which became the center of his artistic and teaching activity. In 1995, the studio moved to Paris under the namePoint & Marge Editions Paris. Participates in several engraving exhibitions and artist books. Between 1983 and 2011, he made several trips and numerous exhibitions, workshops and conferences in Germany, France, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Australia (James Cook University), China and Japan .
É author of several technical and historical books on the specialty, includingL'estampe objet rare (2002),La mémoire lithographique (1998 ), L'Estampe: from engraving to agrave; l'impression (1991) and La lithographie, précis technique (1990, reissued in 2011). Since 2010, he has been developing thePoint & Marge/Blurb(the catalog currently comprises a dozen publications: monographs, literature, artist's books). Numerous articles and prefaces in specialized magazines and books. From 2007 onwards he dedicated himself especially to Photolithography and photolithography Digital Print.
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