Violeta Lópiz

Violeta Lópiz

The young and talented artist Violeta Lópiz, who was born in Ibiza and lives and works in Berlin, is considered (El Cultural de El Mundo) one of the ten biggest names in Spanish illustration. In 2011, his book Les Poings sur les Îles was awarded the CJ Picture Book Awards (South Korea) and in 2016 he received the Bienal Ilustrarte Prize (Lisbon, Portugal) with the book "Amigos do Peito" with text by Brazilian author Claudio Tebas, published by Bruaá.


Violeta fills her illustrations with everything she experiences, which is why we often find music and travel notes in her creations. One of the greatest sources of inspiration ;o is your childhood, where you find the spontaneity and imagination of when you were a child. 


Regular contributor to the Portuguese newspaper Expresso, El Mundo and The Economist.