Sandro Resende

Sandro Resende

Sandro Resende (1975) Stages in his photographs the consequences of human relationships that dehumanize people and transform them into things, creating the “social void”, the denial of communication. It works on the concept of Recognition of the self, in front of the other.

In parallel with the His activity as an artist has been responsible for the artistic direction of several projects and spaces, namely: Pavilion 28; Lisbon Psychiatric Hospital Center; Project CONTENTORES (Centro Cultural de Belém, Liverpool Biennial, Guimarães, European capital of culture, Fundação EDP); Project Outdoor; Flash Art Magazine; Space3 [space cubed]; CHPL Pavilion 27; Pampero Public Art and Public Art Interferences; Pavilion 31 at CHPL; Redbull House of Art; Project Janela; Citadel Art District in Cascais; Project 9 National Railway Museum. In 2015, he accepted the artistic direction of several projects for Travessa da Ermida.

In 2015, as part of the 30th anniversary of the CPS, he participated in the  exhibition "1/81" at the Côa Museum, for which he performs a screen printing at Atelier CPS.

In 2019 he founded Manicómio, the first space for the creation of raw art in Portugal that combines creation and outreach to the public of resident artists, who have experienced or are experiencing mental illness.