Lopez Herrera

Lopez Herrera

Born in Madrid in 1946. Painter, trained in Madrid, expanded his art studies in Rome, Florence, Venice and London. In his works, he uses chiaroscuro, linear and aerial perspective, transparencies and veils of delicate subtlety. All this at the service of a reality transfigured by the imagination, ironic at times, always treated with good humor and enriched with surrealist elements. There are numerous awards he has obtained in different regional and national competitions, among which the Gold Medal of the Caja de Ahorros de León Painting Prize and the First Medal of the XLII Salón stand out in 1972. of Otoño of Madrid; in 1973 and 1974, First Prize at the Certamen Nacional de la Grape y el Vino de Medina; the Prize from the General Directorate of Fine Arts, Spring Exhibition, (Sevilla, 1975); in 1976, Premio del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Salón de Otoño, among others. The last awards he received are the Special Reina Sofía at the Salón de Otoño, in Madrid (1983) and Medals of Honor at the BMW Painting Awards (1990 and 1991); First Ejército Painting Prize (1993) and the Ciudad de Tudela Prize, in 1996. Participated in international art fairs in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Argentina, USA, Holland, England , Venezuela.