Fátima Mendonça

Fátima Mendonça

Born in Lisbon in 1964. Graduated in Painting from ESBAL. He holds several solo exhibitions, among which we highlight: 1995, Galeria Arte Periférica, Lisbon; 1996, A Casa do Desarranjo, Galeria Arte Periférica, Lisbon; 1998, Slow Motion, Casa Fernando Pessoa, Lisbon; 1999, Galeria Fernando Santos, Porto; 2001, Galeria 111, Lisbon; 2003,Fátifashion-Wool Dresses; and Bolo, Galeria 111, Lisbon; 2005, Like this...like this...like this...to like me more, Culturgest, Lisbon. Received some awards, including: 1989, Mention Honorable, IV Salon Primavera at Casino Estoril; 1990, Commemorative Painting Prize for the 150th Anniversary of Montepio Geral; 1992, Honorable Mention, VI Vila Nova de Cerveira Plastic Arts Biennial; 2001, Maluda Painting Prize. He has exhibited at ARCO, Madrid, since 1997, and also regularly at ARTE LISBOA. Collectively, we highlight some exhibitions: 1997, Bringing up Baby, Cape Town, South Africa; 2000, Cologne Fair, Galeria Fernando Santos, Germany; 2002, “Generation XXI – Five Portuguese Artists in Macau”, Temporary Exhibition Gallery of the Institute for Civic and Municipal Affairs, Macau; 2002, Contemporary Art – New Acquisitions”, Culturgest, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Lisbon.