Alex Gama

Alex Gama

Alex Gama was born in 1959, in Barra Mansa - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Bachelor in Biology, studied woodcut at the Museum of Modern Art in Resende - Rio de Janeiro. Technician in graphic production, with a course of mounting and curator of exhibitions - Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo, Conservator of works of art on paper.

When Alex Gama decided to pursue wood engraving, he didn't want a traditional print of only chiaroscuro, with precise cuts starting from black in search of light. He decided to break with this tradition in the way of wire wood engraving and to value the support, the matrix, showing that wood, in all its exuberance, should be present in his work.

He explores a wide range of greys, where, without a doubt, colour is also implicitly present, as well as the wood grain in perfect harmony, being an integral part of the wefts created. A way of engraving that is a gesture of affection, engraved poetry, without the sharp, dry cut. Without bleeding.

Besides numerous individual exhibitions, Alex Gama has participated in group exhibitions, art salons, and national and international biennials, with works in important museums such as the school of the University of Essex, England, MOMA in NY, MNBA-Rio Janeiro-RJ, Pinacoteca do Estado de SP, Victor Meirelles Museum- Florianópolis-SC, National Library Foundation-RJ, and Museu da Inconfidência-MG. His work appears in several publications, such as Allgemeines Kuenstlerxikon Germany.
It is also present in numerous private collections.