Mario Cesariny
Feb. 8, 2024

Mario Cesariny

Centenary Special Edition

The plastic and poetic work of Mário Cesariny is celebrated in several exhibitions and initiatives since last year, on the occasion of the centenary of his birth, continuing into 2024.


It was in this context that the new commemorative screen printing “O Pé do Mar” was born, in partnership with the Cupertino de Miranda Foundation. A 12-color edition, front and back, made from an original creation dedicated to Vieira da Silva and Arpad Szenes.


Sexigraphy O P&eacute ; from the Sea of Mario Cesariny

Serigraphy O P&eacute ; from the Sea of Mario Cesariny (verso)

Mário Cesariny, "O Pé do Mar", Screen print commemorating the centenary of the birth of the poet/artist (front and back)


Mário Cesariny corresponded for years with the artist couple and maintained close communication with Vieira da Silva even after the death of Arpad Szenes.


It began with the approach and study of Vieira da Silva's painting, which he greatly admired, through a grant from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to create what would come to be the book “Vieira da Silva, Arpad Szenes or The Surrealist Castle”.


“…but I chose today to tell you things that are deep in my heart and that only happen to you. Mário understands, deep down, instead of living the way I do, maybe I would like to walk through trees and rooftops, if I could then paint and write and read and listen to music, it would be good to be a cat.”  Excerpt from a letter from Vieira da Silva to Cesariny, February 8, 1967, in “Gatos Comunicantes – correspondence between Vieira da Silva and Mário Cesariny”.


The screen printing has a symbolic print run of just 100 copies and benefits from special conditions for CPS Members.

